
Nancy Farmer on War & Peace

The invasion of Iraq was not justified by Bush's premises

FARMER: Farmer criticized Bush, stating that the invasion of Iraq "we know today was not justified by the premises said by the president at the time" because no weapons of mass destruction or link to al-Qaida were found. "But we are there and while there were not terrorists when we went in, there are terrorists now," she said. She said more troops are needed to finish the job as soon as possible. Farmer said that she would have voted for the resolution authorizing Bush to go to war based on what was known then.

BOND: Bond said, "We did not have good intelligence" before the war but that a recent report indicated that Saddam had been planning to again manufacture chemical weapons. Bond also said Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who has been blamed for various attacks and beheadings, was "training terrorists... even before we went in." "If we had not disrupted Iraq, then the terrorists... would have been in position to get those weapons," Bond said.

Source: MO Senate Debate, in Post-Dispatch Oct 21, 2004

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