
Bill Jones on War & Peace

We are committed in Iraq and can't leave the job half done

Says he would have voted for the $87 billion spent to help rebuild Iraq, because the fact is we are committed and we cannot leave the job half finished. Spending the money will create a democratic Iraq that will remove a threat to Middle East peace and Israel.
Source: Campaign website jonesforcalifornia.com Aug 13, 2004

Supports Iraq War; cannot cut-and-run

The encounter focused on Iraq and recent high-profile social issues. Jones didn't directly respond to a question about whether he would vote today to send troops, but said this is no time to "cut and run" even though "it's clear that we have a challenge in Iraq today." He said the decision to go to war last year was the correct one based on the information available at the time. "Clearly we had a menace there, and in post-9/11 the risk of terrorism is great," he said.
Source: San Diego Union Tribune covering Senate Debate Aug 11, 2004

Would have voted for the $87 billion spending on Iraq

Jones would have voted for the $87 billion spent to help rebuild Iraq, because "the fact is we are committed and we cannot leave the job half finished." Spending the money will create a democratic Iraq that will remove a threat to Middle East peace and Israel.
Source: Campaign website, JonesForCalifornia.com, "On The Issues" May 2, 2004

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(PA)Hoeffel v.Specter
(SC)DeMint v.Tenenbaum
(SD)Daschle v.Thune
(UT)Bennett v.Van Dam
(VT)Leahy v.McMullen
(WA)Murray v.Nethercutt
(WI)Feingold v.Michels
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