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 2020 Election:  Joe Biden's book Cory Booker's book Pete Buttigieg's book Kamala Harris' book Bernie Sanders' book Donald Trump's book  2018 Senate   Debates 

Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates
Crippled America,
by Donald J. Trump (2015)
Fire and Fury,
by Michael Wolff (2018)
Trump Revealed,
by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016)
The Making of Donald Trump,
by David Cay Johnston (2016)
Promise Me, Dad ,
by Joe Biden (2017)
The Book of Joe ,
by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden)
The Truths We Hold,
by Kamala Harris (2019)
Smart on Crime,
by Kamala Harris (2010)
Guide to Political Revolution,
by Bernie Sanders (2017)
Where We Go From Here,
by Bernie Sanders (2018)
Our Revolution,
by Bernie Sanders (2016)
This Fight Is Our Fight,
by Elizabeth Warren (2017)
by Cory Booker (2016)
Conscience of a Conservative,
by Jeff Flake (2017)
Two Paths,
by Gov. John Kasich (2017)
Every Other Monday,
by Rep. John Kasich (2010)
Courage is Contagious,
by John Kasich (1998)
Shortest Way Home,
by Pete Buttigieg (2019)
by Michelle Obama (2018)
Higher Loyalty,
by James Comey (2018)
The Making of Donald Trump,
by David Cay Johnston (2017)
Higher Loyalty ,
by James Comey (2018)
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues ,
by Jesse Gordon (2016)
Outsider in the White House,
by Bernie Sanders (2015)

Book Reviews

(from Amazon.com)

(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)

Survey of 2022 Gubernatorial campaign websites

    2022 Gubernatorial campaign websites:
  • 2022 Oregon Gubernatorial campaign website RunBetsyRun.com, 10/6/22, (Link)
  • 2021 Gubernatorial candidate's 2022 New Jersey State Senate website Steinhardt4Senate.com, 10/4/22, (Link)
  • 2022 R.I. Gubernatorial campaign website HelenaFoulkes.com, 10/3/22, (Link)

 OnTheIssues.org excerpts:  (click on issues for details)
    Annette Taddeo: Defends a woman's right to make choices about her own body.
    Chase LaPorte: God's word directs us to protect unborn and innocent.
    Christopher Kurka: Former Executive Director of Alaska anti-abortion group.
    Dan Cox: I am unashamedly 100% Pro-Life from conception to death.
    Deirdre Gilbert: Life is life! We cannot choose!
    Doug Mastriano: End any state funding to Planned Parenthood.
    Garrett Soldano: Protect life and push back against the abortion lobby.
    Jason Martin: Protect health and reproductive rights of women.
    Jim Pillen: I am proudly pro-life, life begins at conception.
    Josh Shapiro: He will veto any bill that would restrict abortion rights.
    Julian Bell: Strongly supports a woman's right to choose.
    Kandiss Taylor: We play God when we decide who has the right to life.
    Karrin Taylor Robson: Keep Arizona one of the strongest pro-Life states in nation.
    Katie Hobbs: Will veto any legislation that attacks Roe v. Wade.
    Maura Healey: Ensure access to abortion, contraception, STI testing.
    Mia McLeod: Fiercely advocate for reproductive rights and freedoms.
    Michelle Benson: Put an end to the destruction of human life.
    Mike Murphy: All humans, including the unborn, have inalienable rights.
    Sonia Chang-Diaz: Secure Roe v. Wade regardless of federal action.
    Tim James: Supports a human life amendment to the Constitution.
    Tudor Dixon: Endorsed by Right to Life of Michigan PAC.
    Wes Moore: Enshrine the right to abortion into Maryland's Constitution.
    Betsy Johnson: I am pro-choice--it is a bedrock value for me.
    Helena Foulkes: She will always fight to protect a woman's right to choose.
Budget & Economy
    Bob Stefanowski: Take a holistic approach to modernize infrastructure.
    Brian Dahle: COVID: stop recklessly spending billions of dollars.
    Brian Dahle: Clawbacks in state contracts for underperforming entities.
    Chris Jones: Government not about running up bills and creating debt.
    Christine Drazan: Identify and prosecute waste, fraud and abuse in government.
    Deidre DeJear: Implement a true, comprehensive economic plan.
    Doug Mastriano: Propose a 2023 budget that keeps reckless spending in check.
    Jamie R. Smith: Promoting sustainable growth will be prioritized.
    Jason Martin: Work with Feds to get tax dollars for infrastructure repair.
    Jim Pillen: Expand broadband access to every corner of our state.
    Jim Pillen: There is no room for wasteful government spending.
    Julian Bell: Invest in urgently needed affordable workforce housing.
    Josh Green: State-subsidized loan program for first-time home buyers.
    Kai Kahele: Promote agribusiness through community driven policies.
    Kandiss Taylor: Focus on economic development, Georgia Grown, infrastructure.
    Kandiss Taylor: Protecting Georgia farmers is nonnegotiable.
    Kirk Caldwell: As largest landowner, state is key to building new housing.
    Maura Healey: Encourage entrepreneurism with Office of Economic Assistance.
    Mia McLeod: Got SC Ports Authority to triple minority business goal.
    Mia McLeod: Allocate critical funds for infrastructure.
    Michele Fiore: We desperately need sound fiscally conservative policies.
    Michelle Benson: Crack down on waste, fraud, and abuse.
    Mike Murphy: Incentivize developers to build quality senior housing.
    Nan Whaley: Invest in economic and neighborhood development.
    Nellie Gorbea: Simplify statewide process to encourage homebuilding.
    Peter Franchot: $5.5B in delinquent taxes; $1B in unclaimed property.
    Peter Franchot: Led record state investments to transportation projects.
    Peter Franchot: Reformed procurement system increasing accountability.
    Peter Franchot: Bring high quality public transportation throughout state.
    Richard Irvin: Rein in government spending; cut taxes; balance the budget.
    Rushern Baker: A strong transit system with diverse options is crucial.
    Tim James: Cut programs, transition government jobs to private sector.
    Tudor Dixon: Find new ways to fund critical infrastructure and roads.
    Wes Moore: Provide Minority Business Enterprises with support.
    William McSwain: Career politicians have overextended the state's budget.
    Helena Foulkes: A strong supporter of the line-item veto, accountability.
Civil Rights
    Chase LaPorte: I believe in the Biblical standard for marriage.
    Dan Cox: Critical Race Theory is Marxist propaganda.
    Deirdre Gilbert: Include people from varied backgrounds for policy diversity.
    Deirdre Gilbert: Diversity is not divisive: include different genders.
    Doug Gansler: Received Equality Maryland award for support of LGBT rights.
    Greg Lopez: Don't teach personal choices of sexual lifestyle in schools.
    Jason Martin: We need to protect our LGBTQIA+ Tennesseans.
    Jim Pillen: Critical race theory is anti-American ideology.
    Josh Shapiro: Ban LGBTQ+ discrimination in Pennsylvania.
    Kai Kahele: Enshrine protections for the LGBTQ+ community into law.
    Katie Hobbs: Explicitly ban LGBTQ+ discrimination in a variety of areas.
    Maura Healey: Include health equity as part of Health Care Cost Trends.
    Maura Healey: End the ban on LGBTQ+ blood donations.
    Mike Murphy: Let people live their lives as they so choose.
    Peter Franchot: Appoint Secretary of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
    Rushern Baker: Our differences are to be celebrated, accepted, protected.
    Sonia Chang-Diaz: Focus on equity in recovery/infrastructure spending.
    Tina Kotek: Came out in early 20s; been with wife for 17 years.
    Wes Moore: Ensure Maryland schools adopt LGBTQ+ affirming policies.
    Betsy Johnson: Fight bigotry and protect marriage equality in Oregon.
    Helena Foulkes: Supports state amendment to protect marriage equality.
    Andrew Giuliani: Worked for Trump on deregulation of businesses of all sizes.
    Brian Dahle: Seen businesses regulated to death by state bureaucrats.
    Chris Jones: Cut unnecessary regulatory burdens on business.
    Doug Mastriano: Reduce the Corporate Net Income Tax Rate.
    Maura Healey: Allow communities to enact local rent stabilization policies.
    Peter Franchot: Less for corporate tax breaks, more help for small business.
    Wes Moore: Increase diversity on Maryland corporate boards.
    Andria Tupola: Prioritize budget increases for police.
    Bob Stefanowski: I will advocate for a holistic approach to reform.
    Brett Lindstrom: Don't coddle criminals who harm our most innocent.
    Brian Dahle: Rights of criminals shouldn't come before rights of victims.
    Chase LaPorte: I believe in maintaining a strong National Guard presence.
    Christine Drazan: End treating police like criminals, criminals like victims.
    Christopher Kurka: We need a justice system where punishment fits the crime.
    Cindy Axne: Voted for the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act.
    Dan Cox: Hold dangerous criminals accountable with stiff jail terms.
    Deirdre Gilbert: WE THE PEOPLE have been stripped of constitutional rights.
    Doug Gansler: Bring every police shooting to the grand jury.
    Duke Aiona: Spearheaded Hawai'i Drug Court for non-violent offenders.
    Greg Lopez: Oppose unwarranted, irrational hatred of cops by radicals.
    Heidi Ganahl: Reinstate bail, ensure parole board enforces sentences.
    Jason Martin: Our criminal justice system is broken.
    Jim Pillen: Calls to defund the police are reckless and dangerous.
    Joe Lombardo: Enact more severe penalties for violence on school grounds.
    Karrin Taylor Robson: More funding for police & keep qualified immunity.
    Katie Hobbs: Reform Dept. of Corrections, kept inmates past release dates.
    Katie Hobbs: Will work to reform Arizona's antiquated sentencing laws.
    Maura Healey: Supported 2020 reform bill repealing mandatory minimums.
    Mia McLeod: Will continue to push for meaningful criminal justice reform.
    Michele Fiore: Support our office; FUND the police!
    Michelle Benson: Defunding the police would make us less safe.
    Mike Murphy: Increase rehabilitation for human trafficking victims.
    Nan Whaley: Police reform process led to major systemic changes.
    Paul Gazelka: Shutting down the police is not the answer.
    Peter Franchot: End all use of no-knock warrants.
    Richard Irvin: As mayor he defeated the local 'Defund the Police' movement.
    Rushern Baker: Key to public safety is healing underlying root causes.
    Scott Jensen: Increasing number of officers will restore law and order.
    Stephen Heidt: Criminal justice reform would save millions in tax money.
    Tudor Dixon: Fully fund law enforcement; oppose cash bail reform.
    Wes Moore: Remove barriers to state aid for those with criminal records.
    Betsy Johnson: Won't defund or demonize our police; demand accountability.
    Betsy Johnson: I will enforce Oregon's twice-approved death penalty.
    Brenda Siegel: Harm reduction, treatment & recovery on demand.
    Chris Jones: Develop a just and equitable cannabis industry.
    Deidre DeJear: Legalize and regulate cannabis for adult use, like alcohol.
    Deirdre Gilbert: Community-based alternatives instead of mandatory minimums.
    Doug Gansler: Legalize cannabis and expunge convictions.
    Doug Gansler: Drug use should be treated like a public health problem.
    Greg Lopez: Marijuana is an addictive drug and not safe.
    Jamie R. Smith: Recreational marijuana should be legalized in South Dakota.
    Jason Martin: Pass cannabis for recreational use. Period.
    Mia McLeod: Sponsored bill that would decriminalize marijuana.
    Mike Murphy: More accessible licensing for substance abuse counselors.
    Nan Whaley: Move past stigma, treat addiction as the disease that it is.
    Rushern Baker: Those hit by war on drugs owed windfall from legalization.
    Scott Jensen: Expunge prior convictions for small amounts of marijuana.
    Stephen Heidt: Legalize medical marijuana; decriminalize personal use.
    Tim James: Repeal medical marijuana law, perfect recipe for fraud/abuse.
    Wes Moore: Legalize cannabis, expunge possession convictions.
    Betsy Johnson: Repeal the failed experiment to legalize hard drugs.
    Ashley Kalus: Pay our teachers more, promote school choice, fund pre-K.
    Bob Stefanowski: Give parents the choice to find a school that works for them.
    Brenda Siegel: Support and strengthen our education system.
    Brett Lindstrom: Encouraged college savings plan for employees.
    Chase LaPorte: Kansas schools are inadequately staffed and under-funded.
    Chris Jones: All children should have access to high quality preschool.
    Chris Jones: Enable low-to-no cost community college degrees.
    Christine Drazan: Expand access to school choice, stand up for parents' rights.
    Dan Cox: Constitutional education mandate must include school choice.
    Deidre DeJear: It is time to fully fund our education system at every level.
    Doug Mastriano: Immediate ban on Critical Race Theory, Gender Theory studies.
    Garrett Soldano: Respect a parent's right to educate children as they see fit.
    Greg Lopez: Parents want school choice and vocational training; I agree.
    Heidi Ganahl: Ensure we are funding our students, not the system.
    Jason Martin: Make sure that no school in Tennessee is underfunded.
    Jason Martin: Support trade and vocational schools, technical training.
    Jim Pillen: Committed to K-12 education, I support options for parents.
    Joe Lombardo: For charter schools, school choice, opportunity scholarships.
    Joe Lombardo: Our education system is irreparably failing & damaging kids.
    Josh Green: Develop and fund a universal public Pre-K program.
    Josh Green: Offer every high school graduate free community college.
    Josh Shapiro: Fully fund and fix up our schools.
    Kai Kahele: We need to address teacher hiring and retention.
    Kandiss Taylor: Give educators autonomy instead of mandates.
    Karrin Taylor Robson: It is time to fund students instead of systems.
    Kathy Hochul: Make state schools tuition-free for middle-class families.
    Katie Hobbs: Expedite robust fixes to school buildings across the state.
    Katie Hobbs: New funding for STEM education grants and scholarships.
    Maura Healey: Opposed ballot measure expanding number of charter schools.
    Mia McLeod: Prioritize pay increases for teachers, administrators, staff.
    Michelle Benson: Provide families with more choice and flexibility.
    Mike Murphy: Yes to early learning & increasing teacher's salaries.
    Mike Murphy: Supports school choice; tax credits for private schools.
    Mike Murphy: Yes to early learning & increasing teacher's salaries.
    Mike Murphy: Supports school choice; tax credits for private schools.
    Nellie Gorbea: Pass "Right to A Quality Education" constitutional amendment.
    Peter Franchot: Supports financial literacy & college capital projects.
    Peter Franchot: Healthy classrooms yes; standardized testing no.
    Peter Franchot: Fully debt-free paths to a vocational or college degree.
    Rushern Baker: For fully funding The Blueprint for Maryland's future.
    Sonia Chang-Diaz: Universal early education; debt-free public college.
    Sonia Chang-Diaz: Provide comprehensive LGBTQ-inclusive sex education.
    Stacy Lee George: Alabama must strive to set a new standard in education.
    Stephen Heidt: Idaho is suffering from its tight-fisted funding for schools.
    Steve Gaynor: Given parents choice over school mask and vaccine policies.
    Tim Griffin: Wants more parental choice in education.
    Tim James: Supports school choice including funding for church schools.
    Tim James: Permanently ban the teaching of Critical Race Theory.
    Tobias Read: Extend the school year so kids have year-round learning.
    Tudor Dixon: Ban born boys from girls' teams in gender-specific sports.
    Tudor Dixon: Develop curriculum focusing on America's founding principles.
    Tudor Dixon: Let parents choose education environment for their child.
    Wes Moore: Fully fund Blueprint for Education, Child Care.
    Betsy Johnson: Give parents more options for their children's education.
    Helena Foulkes: Fund universal Pre-K, public preschool for three-year-olds.
Energy & Oil
    Chris Jones: Uplift and support the solar energy industry.
    Brian Dahle: Forest management not climate change is cause of wildfires.
    Brian Dahle: Energy goal: 100% reliable, affordable electricity.
    Christine Drazan: Will repeal cap-and-trade climate scheme on my first day.
    Cindy Axne: Biofuels should be part of clean energy economy.
    Deidre DeJear: Protect environment while creating renewable energy jobs.
    Doug Gansler: Begin work on 4 Gigawatts offshore wind generation by 2026.
    Doug Gansler: Use school funding/construction to promote renewable energy.
    Doug Mastriano: Encourage investment into the natural gas and coal industry.
    Greg Lopez: Don't close coal mines to remove phantom of climate change.
    Jason Martin: Make sure our state is at the forefront of green technology.
    Josh Green: Invest in green economy, create thousands of green jobs.
    Julian Bell: Decarbonize at state level; hold corporations responsible.
    Kirk Caldwell: Strongly support 100% renewable energy by 2045.
    Maura Healey: Create a cabinet-level Climate Chief & electrify everything.
    Michelle Benson: Minnesota needs an all-of-the-above energy policy.
    Nellie Gorbea: Incentivize energy efficiency in new home construction.
    Nellie Gorbea: Prioritize goals to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.
    Peter Franchot: Our target goal for moving fully to renewable energy is 2030.
    Rushern Baker: Move up goal of 100% renewable energy to 2030.
    Sonia Chang-Diaz: 100% renewable, carbon-free electric grid by 2030.
    Tobias Read: Investing in clean energy and green jobs a top priority.
    Wes Moore: Reduce 60% of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.
    Betsy Johnson: Support green energy but don't destroy good paying jobs.
    Helena Foulkes: Make Rhode Island a leader in clean, affordable energy.
    Bob Stefanowski: Make sure that environmental regulations make sense.
    Chris Jones: Protect residential communities from hazardous industry.
    Christopher Kurka: Shouldn't tolerate Federal oversight of our resources.
    Doug Gansler: Won largest environmental settlement in American history.
    Josh Green: Press Navy to drain fuel tanks, shut facility for good.
    Kirk Caldwell: Banned single-use plastic items; reduced landfill waste.
    Michelle Benson: Protect environment without over-regulating our economy.
    Peter Franchot: Voted for over $1.4 billion in environmental protection.
    Peter Franchot: Work with EPA to help clean up Chesapeake Bay.
Families & Children
    Brett Lindstrom: Help families of fallen first responders in time of need.
    Cindy Axne: Make changes to Child Tax Credit permanent.
    Doug Gansler: Universal pre-kindergarten and universal child care.
    Heidi Ganahl: Address mental health crisis/suicide rates among children.
    Jason Martin: Quality and affordable childcare, universal pre-K.
    Josh Green: Make childcare accessible and affordable for students.
    Kathy Hochul: Fought for Paid Family Leave & $15 minimum wage.
    Maura Healey: Common Start: free child care for lowest-income families.
    Mike Murphy: Government should support and strengthen the family unit.
    Nan Whaley: Made Dayton a better place to live, work, and raise a family.
    Sonia Chang-Diaz: Better post-partum healthcare for low-income people.
    Tim James: Traditional marriage/family is foundation for a free society.
    Tobias Read: Measure our progress by how well Oregon's children are doing.
    Wes Moore: Paid sick, family, and medical leave for every Marylander.
Foreign Policy
    Chris Jones: Stand up for our allies and for peace in Europe.
Free Trade
    Katie Hobbs: Prioritize awarding state contracts to Arizona businesses.
Government Reform
    Andria Tupola: Ease permitting processes for developers.
    Ashley Kalus: Attract business by lowering taxes, cutting red tape.
    Bob Stefanowski: Budget information should be a click away.
    Brett Lindstrom: Government should never operate as nanny towards business.
    Brett Lindstrom: Make it easier to vote and harder to cheat.
    Chase LaPorte: Transparency in government keep officials accountable.
    Chris Jones: Every community deserves to claim their seat at the table.
    Christine Drazan: Get the government off the backs of our small businesses.
    Christine Drazan: Establish a permanent task force on election integrity.
    Christopher Kurka: Elections certified only after a hand-count of every ballot.
    Cindy Axne: For campaign finance reform, expanding voting rights.
    Dan Cox: Require citizen voter ID, end unverified mail-in ballots.
    Deidre DeJear: Ensure the protection of all Iowans' voting rights.
    Deirdre Gilbert: Texas has a 150 year history of voter suppression.
    Doug Gansler: Judicial retention elections promote diversity on the bench.
    Doug Mastriano: Eliminate "No-Excuse" Mail-in voting and Ballot Drop boxes.
    Doug Mastriano: Cut statewide regulations by at least 55,000 in first year.
    Doug Mastriano: Prohibit political consultants from registering as lobbyists.
    Garrett Soldano: Fought to revoke health law granting emergency powers.
    Garrett Soldano: Expand Voter ID, crack down hard on fraud.
    Greg Lopez: State regulators are running amuck, will reduce their number.
    Heidi Ganahl: Streamline regulations to help local job creators.
    Jason Martin: Ensure every eligible voter can access the ballot box.
    Jim Pillen: Stand up to radicals using fake meat to attack Nebraska.
    Josh Shapiro: Expand early voting; implement same-day voter registration.
    Kai Kahele: Automatic back-end voter registration beyond just DMV.
    Kandiss Taylor: Drop no excuse absentee ballots, Dominion voting machines.
    Karrin Taylor Robson: Supports voter ID, ban on ballot harvesting.
    Karrin Taylor Robson: Karrin knows importance of keeping government out of the way.
    Katie Hobbs: Streamline process to start a new business under one roof.
    Katie Hobbs: End conflicts of interest, fight for lobbying rules.
    Katie Hobbs: Disclose campaign contributions, support initiative process.
    Katie Hobbs: Will veto any new voter suppression legislation.
    Kirk Caldwell: We have to reduce taxes, bureaucracy, and over-regulation.
    Maura Healey: Pass VOTES Act; same day voter registration.
    Michelle Benson: Outlaw abusive practices like ballot harvesting.
    Mike Murphy: Update and modernize voter registration systems.
    Peter Franchot: Deliver on specific goals to rebuild trust in government.
    Peter Franchot: Create a universal, transparent vote by mail system.
    Richard Irvin: For term limits, against gerrymandering.
    Rushern Baker: Require dark money groups to disclose their donors.
    Sonia Chang-Diaz: Increase the number of minority-majority districts.
    Tim James: Eliminate unnecessary regulations unduly burdening business.
    Tim James: Require proof of citizenship & photo ID in order to vote.
    Tudor Dixon: Cut, reduce, or streamline 40% of regulatory code in 4 years.
    Tudor Dixon: Enact strong Voter ID, ban drop boxes.
    Betsy Johnson: Get regulations out of the way to fast-track construction .
    Helena Foulkes: Ensure citizens can exercise their right to vote.
    Helena Foulkes: Cut onerous red tape to help businesses of all sizes.
Gun Control
    Brett Lindstrom: Citizens have a right to own firearms and defend themselves.
    Chris Jones: For common sense laws while protecting 2nd amendment rights.
    Christopher Kurka: Blaming crime on guns is like blaming arson on matches.
    Dan Cox: Will work to bring Constitutional Carry to Maryland.
    Deidre DeJear: Repeal the dangerous "stand your ground" law.
    Doug Mastriano: Establish PA as a "Second Amendment Sanctuary".
    Garrett Soldano: I will defend 2nd amendment, implement Constitutional Carry.
    Jason Martin: Uphold 2nd Amendment rights; support bipartisan gun laws.
    Jason Martin: Repeal permitless carry; don't penalize responsible owners.
    JB Smiley: High standards for gun ownership critical to public safety.
    Jim Pillen: Don't allow anyone to suspend our Second Amendment rights.
    Kandiss Taylor: #1 Gun Safety Rule: Carry one!
    Karrin Taylor Robson: Lifetime NRA member, opposes any efforts to infringe.
    Michele Fiore: Ardent supporter of 2nd amendment, lifetime member of NRA.
    Michelle Benson: Gun control laws punish law-abiding gun owners.
    Peter Franchot: Sponsored strict gun control legislation.
    Tim James: If Feds overstep on this issue, we will not submit.
    Tudor Dixon: Stop all efforts to restrict the 2nd Amendment.
    Wes Moore: Combat gun violence, ban ghost guns.
    Betsy Johnson: Don't disarm law abiding citizens; strong background checks.
    Helena Foulkes: Ban the sale of high-capacity magazines and assault weapons.
    William McSwain: Defend the right to keep and bear arms.
Health Care
    Bob Stefanowski: Expand access to private healthcare for veterans.
    Brian Dahle: Strengthen our rehabilitation and mental health services.
    Chase LaPorte: Freedom of choice for personal healthcare choices.
    Chris Jones: Help to make prescription drugs more affordable.
    Christine Drazan: Repeal COVID-19 mask and vaccine mandates.
    Christopher Kurka: Vaccine/health mandates are unconstitutional, unconscionable.
    Dan Cox: On day one I will end the vaccine and health mandates.
    Deidre DeJear: Quality affordable healthcare, mental health imperative.
    Doug Gansler: Operate 10 new regional behavioral centers across the state.
    Doug Mastriano: Immediate ban on all COVID-19 vaccine mandates.
    Garrett Soldano: Opposes vaccine mandate as unconstitutional, coercive.
    Jamie R. Smith: Expanding Medicaid crucial to our rural communities.
    Jason Martin: Led fight for Tennessee's healthcare in rural communities.
    Josh Green: Access to treatment for homeless addicts & mentally ill.
    Julian Bell: Obtain efficiencies through single payer or equivalent.
    Kai Kahele: Bring physicians and services to underserved rural Hawai'i.
    Katie Hobbs: Expanded Medicaid, providing healthcare for 100,000s.
    Katie Hobbs: Reduce maternal mortality rate, extend Medicaid coverage.
    Kerry McQuisten: Vaccine passports are like China's Social Credit System.
    Kirk Caldwell: Invest much more in mental health, drug treatment programs.
    Maura Healey: Treat mental health care as seriously as other health care.
    Mia McLeod: Join 39 other states in expanding Medicaid.
    Michelle Benson: Opposes government run health care.
    Mike Murphy: Protect pre-existing conditions; more pricing transparency.
    Nellie Gorbea: Support mental health care for students, teachers, staff.
    Peter Franchot: Expand Medicaid; control cost of insurance premiums.
    Rushern Baker: Implement a single-payer Medicare for All program.
    Scott Jensen: Strongly opposes single payer healthcare for Minnesota.
    Sonia Chang-Diaz: Establish a single-payer "Medicare for All" system.
    Stacy Lee George: COVID: I am one of those non-vaccinated people.
    Tim James: Stand against federal tyranny of vaccine mandates.
    Tobias Read: Strongly supports vaccine mandates by businesses, schools.
    Tudor Dixon: COVID: opposes lockdowns and anti-Science mask mandates.
    Wes Moore: Ensure access to quality, affordable health care coverage.
    Betsy Johnson: Expand mental health services, especially in schools.
    Betsy Johnson: No to government take-over of the health care system.
    Helena Foulkes: Worked to boost insurance enrollment after passage of ACA.
Homeland Security
    Bob Stefanowski: Encourage the hiring of Veterans and their spouses.
    Cindy Axne: Introduced bill supporting rural veteran mental health care.
    Doug Gansler: Expand programs and housing for homeless veterans.
    Greg Lopez: Ensure we adequately address the needs of Colorado veterans.
    Kai Kahele: Advocates avoiding military action whenever possible.
    Karrin Taylor Robson: Form state-controlled Arizona State Guard.
    Wes Moore: Expand and improve quality of care for veterans.
    Dan Cox: Remove criminal illegal aliens from our communities.
    Jason Martin: Provide support for our immigrant and refugee communities.
    Jim Pillen: We must demand order on the southern border.
    Karrin Taylor Robson: Arizona will construct border wall wherever possible.
    Maura Healey: End state involvement in federal immigration matters.
    Mia McLeod: For equitable access licensure for undocumented immigrants.
    Nan Whaley: Future economic growth depends on attracting new immigrants.
    Tim James: Building the wall remains more important than ever.
    Tudor Dixon: Implement a statewide ban on sanctuary cities.
    Cindy Axne: Co-sponsored National Apprenticeship Act to expand programs.
    Cindy Axne: Close gender wage gap, challenge wage discrimination.
    Doug Gansler: Raising the minimum wage is a racial justice issue.
    Jason Martin: Oppose "right to work" amendment to state constitution.
    Josh Green: Workers should earn a living wage, shouldn't live in poverty.
    Josh Shapiro: Will veto any bill to make PA a right-to-work state.
    Kathy Hochul: She believes in equal pay for equal work.
    Katie Hobbs: Recruit, hire, and elevate women and minorities.
    Katie Hobbs: Eliminate the tipped minimum wage.
    Mia McLeod: Raise minimum wage to at least $15/hour.
    Mia McLeod: Let people decide whether to unionize, against right to work.
    Peter Franchot: Create 100,000 family supporting jobs in 100 weeks.
    Rushern Baker: Make Maryland the nation's Black Business Startup Capital.
    Sonia Chang-Diaz: Create jobs through the state's green energy transition.
    Stacy Lee George: Provide incentives for companies to hire reformed ex-cons.
    Stacy Lee George: Will NEVER make unemployment benefits higher than wages.
    Tim James: We support Alabama as a "Right to Work" state.
    Tudor Dixon: Expose more students to high-demand skilled trades.
    Wes Moore: Raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2023.
    Wes Moore: Protect and expand the right of workers to join unions.
    Wes Moore: Ensure equal pay for women, remove salary history in hiring.
Principles & Values
    Annette Taddeo: Father was kidnapped by a Marxist terrorist group.
    Ashley Kalus: As a former Golden Gloves boxer, I am a fighter.
    Brett Lindstrom: America the most just, free and prosperous nation in history.
    Brian Dahle: I pledge to tell you the truth, restore power, work hard.
    Chase LaPorte: I have built my core values upon Biblical foundation.
    Chase LaPorte: American dream built on hard work, freedom of commerce.
    Chris Jones: Raised with strong faith, no conflict with love for science.
    Chris Jones: Politics does not have to be divisive and destructive.
    Dan Cox: Trump: Dan Cox is an America First Patriot.
    Dan Cox: Can't back down from reliance upon God, law and order.
    Doug Gansler: Helps run a non-profit lacrosse league for inner-city youth.
    Garrett Soldano: Our rights come from God, not from the government.
    Garrett Soldano: Father instilled a fierce love for country and sense of duty.
    Heidi Ganahl: Founded largest pet care franchise in the world.
    Jamie R. Smith: Public leaders should be able to reach across the aisle.
    Jason Martin: Instilled values of hard work, family, faith, and community.
    Jim Pillen: Involved in Ignite the Faith, Youth for Christ Mission.
    Jim Pillen: America is the best country in the world.
    Jim Pillen: I believe in American exceptionalism.
    Joe Lombardo: Sheriff Lombardo prefers you just call him Joe.
    Joe Lombardo: Faith leaders are the backbone of our communities.
    Joy Hofmeister: Throughout my life, I've valued hard work and perseverance.
    Kandiss Taylor: Passionate about Jesus, Guns, and Babies!
    Karrin Taylor Robson: All rights flow from God, not the government.
    Katie Hobbs: Never seen nation so divided; seen it up close in Arizona.
    Mike Harmon: No legacy except I served my Lord, family, & country well.
    Nan Whaley: Focus on economy, no compromise on core progressive values.
    Peter Franchot: Measure commitment not by money spent, but results we demand.
    Paul Gazelka: We are citizens of the greatest country in the world.
    Scott Jensen: A governor should serve to preserve, protect and prepare.
    Stacy Lee George: Part of a salt of the earth type of American family.
    Tim James: Tim owns his faith in Christ as the foundation of his life.
    Tim James: Faith in God first, family second in all policy decisions.
    Tim James: Faith-based organizations can participate in public programs.
    Tim James: Condemn activist judges who allow desecration of the flag.
    Wes Moore: Everyone deserves an equal opportunity to succeed.
    Betsy Johnson: Confront prejudice and racism honestly and directly.
    Peter Duval: I am going to lose the election; Phil will win.
Social Security
    Kai Kahele: Against raising the minimum age for social security benefits.
    Mike Murphy: Minnesota must re-evaluate taxing Social Security benefits.
    Peter Franchot: Tax incentives for seniors for mentorship program.
Tax Reform
    Ashley Kalus: Will fight for Rhode Islanders by lowering their tax burden.
    Bob Stefanowski: Immediately cut the sales tax, eliminate new restaurant tax.
    Brian Dahle: Repeal the gas tax and roll back excessive regulations.
    Christine Drazan: I will veto new taxes & repeal costly regulations.
    Deirdre Gilbert: One-sided power makes tax cuts for the wealthy permanent.
    Doug Gansler: Employer tax credits for businesses hiring military spouses.
    Garrett Soldano: Would reverse Whitmer's higher taxes on businesses, gasoline.
    Jim Pillen: Limit the growth in spending by local taxing entities.
    Josh Green: Increase taxes on luxury units; eliminate taxes on food.
    Josh Shapiro: Eliminate the state cell phone tax, expand property rebates.
    Kai Kahele: Increase property tax rates for non-resident owners.
    Kathy Hochul: Tax cuts for low/middle incomes, not for billionaires.
    Kirk Caldwell: We have to reduce taxes to attract businesses and jobs.
    Michelle Benson: Get Minnesota out of the top 10 in taxes.
    Paul Gazelka: Stop over-taxing, over-regulating small businesses.
    Peter Franchot: Supported online retailers collecting state sales tax.
    Peter Franchot: Ease filing for those with simple tax obligations.
    Richard Irvin: Will fight to cut taxes, get property tax relief.
    Scott Jensen: We're some of the most over-taxed people in America.
    Stacy Lee George: I will REPEAL the gas tax of 2019 immediately.
    Tim James: Repeal 2019 gas tax, eliminate grocery sales tax.
    Tudor Dixon: Phase out Michigan's personal income tax.
    William McSwain: Lower tax burden on working families; cut red tape.
    Betsy Johnson: Reduce some taxes, say no to new taxes.
    Helena Foulkes: $500 tax cut for anyone earning less than $100,000.
    Andrew Giuliani: Got CARES Act funding to save thousands of transit jobs.
    Brenda Siegel: Transform our transportation system to green infrastructure.
    Chris Jones: All Arkansans deserve dependable internet.
    Deidre DeJear: Expand broadband, increase speeds, welcome technology jobs.
    Garrett Soldano: Big Tech and the corporate media want to keep us divided.
    Josh Green: Expand access to essential information technologies.
    Karrin Taylor Robson: Ensure our state has sufficient cybersecurity.
    Maura Healey: Prioritize electric vehicle charging infrastructure.
    Peter Franchot: Access to the internet will become a right for each citizen.
    Sonia Chang-Diaz: Expand public transit; move to a fare-free system.
Welfare & Poverty
    Brenda Siegel: Create a plan that meets needs of housing crisis.
    Christine Drazan: Work with non-profits, faith community on homelessness.
    Doug Gansler: Provide economic incentives to address housing affordability.
    Josh Green: Eliminate red tape to speed up affordable housing.
    Kai Kahele: Prioritize affordable homes for local families and residents.
    Katie Hobbs: Combine assistance programs under fewer agencies.
    Nan Whaley: Protect tenants, reduce the number of evictions.
    Nellie Gorbea: Fully fund school lunch and breakfast programs.
    Rushern Baker: Affordable housing is a right.
    Sonia Chang-Diaz: Make investments aimed at ending homelessness.
    Wes Moore: Prioritize environmental justice for low-income communities.

The above quotations are from Survey of 2022 Gubernatorial campaign websites.

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by Jesse Gordon and OnTheIssues.org
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