John Thune
(Republican, district AL)
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John Thune on Abortion
Click here for 21 full quotes on Abortion
OR background on Abortion.
- Voted YES on restricting UN funding for population control policies. (Mar 2009)
- Voted YES on defining unborn child as eligible for SCHIP. (Mar 2008)
- Voted YES on prohibiting minors crossing state lines for abortion. (Mar 2008)
- Voted YES on barring HHS grants to organizations that perform abortions. (Oct 2007)
- Voted NO on expanding research to more embryonic stem cell lines. (Apr 2007)
- Voted YES on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions. (Jul 2006)
- Voted NO on $100M to reduce teen pregnancy by education & contraceptives. (Mar 2005)
- Voted YES on banning Family Planning funding in US aid abroad. (May 2001)
- Voted YES on banning partial-birth abortions. (Apr 2000)
- Voted YES on barring transporting minors to get an abortion. (Jun 1999)
- Rated 100% by the NRLC, indicating a pro-life stance. (Dec 2006)
- Apply 14th amendment protections to pre-born fetuses. (Jun 2008)
- Prohibit transporting minors across state lines for abortion. (Jan 2008)
- Prohibit federal funding for abortion. (May 2011)
- No family planning assistance that includes abortion. (Dec 2013)
- Opposes public funding for abortion services. (Nov 2016)
- Supports parental notification for abortions by minors. (Nov 2016)
- Supports judges who strictly interpret Constitution. (Nov 2016)
- Include pre-born human beings in 14th Amendment protection. (Jan 2016)
- Protect infant survivors of abortion. (Feb 2020)
- Declare preborn as persons under 14th amendment. (Feb 2009)
John Thune on Budget & Economy
Click here for 9 full quotes on Budget & Economy
OR background on Budget & Economy.
- Voted NO on $192B additional anti-recession stimulus spending. (Jul 2009)
- Voted YES on modifying bankruptcy rules to avoid mortgage foreclosures. (May 2009)
- Voted NO on additional $825 billion for economic recovery package. (Feb 2009)
- Voted NO on $60B stimulus package for jobs, infrastructure, & energy. (Sep 2008)
- Voted YES on paying down federal debt by rating programs' effectiveness. (Mar 2007)
- Voted YES on $40B in reduced federal overall spending. (Dec 2005)
- Disapprove of increasing the debt limit. (Jan 2012)
- Audit the Federal Reserve & its actions on mortgage loans. (Feb 2013)
- Supports constitutional amendment for balanced budget. (Nov 2016)
John Thune on Civil Rights
Click here for 11 full quotes on Civil Rights
OR background on Civil Rights.
- Voted NO on reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act. (Feb 2013)
- Voted YES on recommending Constitutional ban on flag desecration. (Jun 2006)
- Voted YES on constitutional ban of same-sex marriage. (Jun 2006)
- Voted YES on banning gay adoptions in DC. (Jul 1999)
- Voted YES on ending preferential treatment by race in college admissions. (May 1998)
- Supports anti-flag desecration amendment. (Mar 2001)
- Rated 0% by the HRC, indicating an anti-gay-rights stance. (Dec 2006)
- Rated 21% by the NAACP, indicating an anti-affirmative-action stance. (Dec 2006)
- Amend Constitution to define traditional marriage. (Jun 2008)
- Respect faith-based opposition to same-sex marriage. (Mar 2018)
- Constitutionally prohibit flag desecration. (May 2009)
John Thune on Corporations
Click here for 4 full quotes on Corporations
OR background on Corporations.
- Voted NO on repealing tax subsidy for companies which move US jobs offshore. (Mar 2005)
- Voted YES on reforming bankruptcy to include means-testing & restrictions. (Mar 2005)
- Voted YES on Bankruptcy Overhaul requiring partial debt repayment. (Mar 2001)
- Rated 14% by UFCW, indicating a pro-management voting record. (May 2012)
John Thune on Crime
Click here for 6 full quotes on Crime
OR background on Crime.
- Voted YES on reinstating $1.15 billion funding for the COPS Program. (Mar 2007)
- Voted NO on funding for alternative sentencing instead of more prisons. (Jun 2000)
- Voted YES on more prosecution and sentencing for juvenile crime. (Jun 1999)
- Rated 20% by CURE, indicating anti-rehabilitation crime votes. (Dec 2000)
- Facilitate recovering crime victim restitution fees. (Apr 2011)
- Rated 64% by the NAPO, indicating a moderate stance on police issues. (Dec 2014)
John Thune on Drugs
Click here for 3 full quotes on Drugs
OR background on Drugs.
- Voted YES on military border patrols to battle drugs & terrorism. (Sep 2001)
- Voted YES on prohibiting needle exchange & medical marijuana in DC. (Oct 1999)
- Rated F by NORML, indicating a "hard-on-drugs" stance. (Nov 2016)
John Thune on Education
Click here for 10 full quotes on Education
OR background on Education.
- Teachers & parents know best how to spend education funds. (Oct 2004)
- Voted NO on additional $10.2B for federal education & HHS projects. (Oct 2007)
- Voted NO on $52M for "21st century community learning centers". (Oct 2005)
- Voted NO on $5B for grants to local educational agencies. (Oct 2005)
- Voted NO on shifting $11B from corporate tax loopholes to education. (Mar 2005)
- Voted YES on requiring states to test students. (May 2001)
- Voted YES on allowing vouchers in DC schools. (Aug 1998)
- Voted NO on vouchers for private & parochial schools. (Nov 1997)
- $110M per year to teach abstinence in public schools. (Feb 2013)
- Supports a Constitutional Amendment for school prayer. (May 1997)
John Thune on Energy & Oil
Click here for 19 full quotes on Energy & Oil
OR background on Energy & Oil.
- Voted YES on barring EPA from regulating greenhouse gases. (Apr 2011)
- Voted YES on protecting middle-income taxpayers from a national energy tax. (Apr 2009)
- Voted YES on requiring full Senate debate and vote on cap-and-trade. (Apr 2009)
- Voted NO on tax incentives for energy production and conservation. (Jun 2008)
- Voted NO on addressing CO2 emissions without considering India & China. (May 2008)
- Voted YES on removing oil & gas exploration subsidies. (Jun 2007)
- Voted YES on making oil-producing and exporting cartels illegal. (Jun 2007)
- Voted NO on factoring global warming into federal project planning. (May 2007)
- Voted NO on disallowing an oil leasing program in Alaska's ANWR. (Nov 2005)
- Voted NO on $3.1B for emergency oil assistance for hurricane-hit areas. (Oct 2005)
- Voted NO on reducing oil usage by 40% by 2025 (instead of 5%). (Jun 2005)
- Voted NO on banning drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. (Mar 2005)
- Voted NO on raising CAFE standards; incentives for alternative fuels. (Aug 2001)
- Voted NO on prohibiting oil drilling & development in ANWR. (Aug 2001)
- Voted NO on starting implementation of Kyoto Protocol. (Jun 2000)
- Rated 33% by CAF, indicating a mixed record on energy independence. (Dec 2006)
- Open the Outer Continental Shelf for oil & gas leasing. (Jun 2008)
- Signed the No Climate Tax Pledge by AFP. (Nov 2010)
- Set goal of 25% renewable energy by 2025. (Jan 2007)
John Thune on Environment
Click here for 8 full quotes on Environment
OR background on Environment.
- Voted NO on protecting ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes ecosystems. (May 2013)
- Voted NO on $2 billion more for Cash for Clunkers program. (Aug 2009)
- Voted YES on prohibiting eminent domain for use as parks or grazing land. (Dec 2007)
- Voted NO on including oil & gas smokestacks in mercury regulations. (Sep 2005)
- Reduce liability for hazardous waste cleanup. (May 2001)
- Make tax deduction permanent for conservation easements. (Mar 2009)
- Rated 20% by HSLF, indicating an anti-animal welfare voting record. (Jan 2012)
- No EPA permits required for forest road runoff. (Jun 2013)
John Thune on Foreign Policy
Click here for 11 full quotes on Foreign Policy
OR background on Foreign Policy.
- Voted YES on cooperating with India as a nuclear power. (Oct 2008)
- Voted YES on keeping Cuba travel ban until political prisoners released. (Jul 2001)
- Voted NO on $156M to IMF for 3rd-world debt reduction. (Jul 2000)
- Voted YES on Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China. (May 2000)
- Voted NO on $15.2 billion for foreign operations. (Nov 1999)
- Rated -1 by AAI, indicating a mixed Arab/Palestine voting record. (May 2012)
- Vigorous support for State of Israel against Hamas in Gaza. (Nov 2012)
- Disallow Palestine from joining ICC to threaten Israel. (Jan 2015)
- Supports standing with the nation of israel. (Nov 2016)
- Two-state solution despite Israeli settlements on West Bank. (Jan 2017)
- Pressure friendly Arab states to end Israeli boycott. (Oct 2007)
John Thune on Free Trade
Click here for 10 full quotes on Free Trade
OR background on Free Trade.
- Voted YES on promoting free trade with Peru. (Dec 2007)
- Voted YES on free trade agreement with Oman. (Jun 2006)
- Voted NO on implementing CAFTA for Central America free-trade. (Jul 2005)
- Voted NO on withdrawing from the WTO. (Jun 2000)
- Voted YES on 'Fast Track' authority for trade agreements. (Sep 1998)
- End economic protectionism: let dairy compacts expire . (Aug 2001)
- Ban Argentine meat imports to avoid foot & mouth disease. (Jul 2008)
- Insist on access to post-mad-cow Japanese beef markets. (Mar 2010)
- Voted YES to kill reauthorization of Ex-Im Bank. (Oct 2015)
- Rated 63% by the USAE, indicating a mixed record on trade. (Dec 2012)
John Thune on Government Reform
Click here for 13 full quotes on Government Reform
OR background on Government Reform.
- Voted NO on Congressional pay raise. (Jul 2009)
- Voted NO on providing a US House seat for the District of Columbia. (Feb 2009)
- Voted NO on granting the District of Columbia a seat in Congress. (Sep 2007)
- Voted YES on requiring photo ID to vote in federal elections. (Jul 2007)
- Voted YES on allowing some lobbyist gifts to Congress. (Mar 2006)
- Voted NO on establishing the Senate Office of Public Integrity. (Mar 2006)
- Voted YES on banning soft money donations to national political parties. (Jul 2001)
- Voted YES on banning soft money and issue ads. (Sep 1999)
- Ensure delivery of absentee ballots for troops overseas. (May 2008)
- Require Internet disclosure of all earmarks. (May 2010)
- Prohibit IRS audits targeting Tea Party political groups. (Feb 2014)
- Require all laws to cite Constitutional authorization. (Jun 2009)
- Voted NO on two articles of impeachment against Trump. (Feb 2020)
John Thune on Gun Control
Click here for 16 full quotes on Gun Control
OR background on Gun Control.
- Voted NO on banning high-capacity magazines of over 10 bullets. (Apr 2013)
- Voted YES on allowing firearms in checked baggage on Amtrak trains. (Apr 2009)
- Voted YES on prohibiting foreign & UN aid that restricts US gun ownership. (Sep 2007)
- Voted YES on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers. (Jul 2005)
- Voted NO on decreasing gun waiting period from 3 days to 1. (Jun 1999)
- Rated A by the NRA, indicating a pro-gun rights voting record. (Dec 2003)
- Sponsored bill for national standard for concealed carry. (Jan 2009)
- Rated A+ by the NRA, indicating a pro-gun rights voting record. (Aug 2010)
- Allow veterans to register unlicensed guns acquired abroad. (Sep 2011)
- Oppose the United Nations' Arms Trade Treaty. (Sep 2013)
- Opposes restrictions on right to bear arms. (Nov 2016)
- Reciprocity across state lines for concealed carry. (Apr 2018)
- Ban gun registration & trigger lock law in Washington DC. (Mar 2007)
- Allow firearms in National Parks. (Feb 2008)
- Sponsored bill to apply concealed carry permit to all states. (Feb 2009)
- Dangerousness, not mental incompetence, limits gun rights. (Mar 2009)
John Thune on Health Care
Click here for 18 full quotes on Health Care
OR background on Health Care.
- Voted YES on the Ryan Budget: Medicare choice, tax & spending cuts. (May 2011)
- Voted YES on regulating tobacco as a drug. (Jun 2009)
- Voted NO on expanding the Children's Health Insurance Program. (Jan 2009)
- Voted NO on overriding veto on expansion of Medicare. (Jul 2008)
- Voted YES on means-testing to determine Medicare Part D premium. (Mar 2008)
- Voted NO on allowing tribal Indians to opt out of federal healthcare. (Feb 2008)
- Voted NO on adding 2 to 4 million children to SCHIP eligibility. (Nov 2007)
- Voted NO on requiring negotiated Rx prices for Medicare part D. (Apr 2007)
- Voted YES on limiting medical liability lawsuits to $250,000. (May 2006)
- Voted NO on expanding enrollment period for Medicare Part D. (Feb 2006)
- Voted NO on increasing Medicaid rebate for producing generics. (Nov 2005)
- Voted NO on negotiating bulk purchases for Medicare prescription drug. (Mar 2005)
- Voted YES on allowing suing HMOs, but under federal rules & limited award. (Aug 2001)
- Voted YES on subsidizing private insurance for Medicare Rx drug coverage. (Jun 2000)
- Voted YES on banning physician-assisted suicide. (Oct 1999)
- Voted YES on establishing tax-exempt Medical Savings Accounts. (Oct 1999)
- Limit anti-trust lawsuits on health plans and insurers. (Mar 2002)
- Supports repealing mandated health insurance. (Nov 2016)
John Thune on Homeland Security
Click here for 19 full quotes on Homeland Security
OR background on Homeland Security.
- PATRIOT Act is still needed in these dangerous times. (May 2015)
- Voted YES on extending the PATRIOT Act's roving wiretaps. (Feb 2011)
- Voted YES on cutting $221M in benefits to Filipinos who served in WWII US Army. (Apr 2008)
- Voted NO on requiring FISA court warrant to monitor US-to-foreign calls. (Feb 2008)
- Voted YES on removing need for FISA warrant for wiretapping abroad. (Aug 2007)
- Voted NO on limiting soldiers' deployment to 12 months. (Jul 2007)
- Voted NO on implementing the 9/11 Commission report. (Mar 2007)
- Voted NO on preserving habeas corpus for Guantanamo detainees. (Sep 2006)
- Voted NO on requiring CIA reports on detainees & interrogation methods. (Sep 2006)
- Voted YES on reauthorizing the PATRIOT Act. (Mar 2006)
- Voted YES on extending the PATRIOT Act's wiretap provision. (Dec 2005)
- Voted NO on restricting business with entities linked to terrorism. (Jul 2005)
- Voted YES on restoring $565M for states' and ports' first responders. (Mar 2005)
- Voted YES on $266 billion Defense Appropriations bill. (Jul 1999)
- Voted YES on deploying SDI. (Mar 1999)
- Extend reserve retirement pay parity back to 9/11. (Dec 2007)
- Improve educational assistance for veterans. (Apr 2008)
- Sponsored opposing the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty. (Mar 2013)
- Military spouses don't lose voting residency while abroad. (Feb 2009)
John Thune on Immigration
Click here for 14 full quotes on Immigration
OR background on Immigration.
- Voted NO on continuing federal funds for declared "sanctuary cities". (Mar 2008)
- Voted NO on comprehensive immigration reform. (Jun 2007)
- Voted YES on declaring English as the official language of the US government. (Jun 2007)
- Voted NO on eliminating the "Y" nonimmigrant guestworker program. (May 2007)
- Voted YES on building a fence along the Mexican border. (Sep 2006)
- Voted NO on establishing a Guest Worker program. (May 2006)
- Voted NO on allowing illegal aliens to participate in Social Security. (May 2006)
- Voted NO on giving Guest Workers a path to citizenship. (May 2006)
- Voted YES on more immigrant visas for skilled workers. (Sep 1998)
- Rated 100% by USBC, indicating a sealed-border stance. (Dec 2006)
- Government services in English only. (Mar 2008)
- Rated A by the ALI, indicating a strongly anti-amnesty stance. (Nov 2010)
- Supports additional border infrastructure. (Nov 2016)
- Support national emergency at the Southern border. (Mar 2019)
John Thune on Jobs
Click here for 10 full quotes on Jobs
OR background on Jobs.
- Voted YES on extending unemployment benefits from 39 weeks to 59 weeks. (Nov 2008)
- Voted YES on overriding presidential veto of Farm Bill. (Jun 2008)
- Voted YES on terminating legal challenges to English-only job rules. (Mar 2008)
- Voted YES on limiting farm subsidies to people earning under $750,000. (Dec 2007)
- Voted NO on restricting employer interference in union organizing. (Jun 2007)
- Voted YES on increasing minimum wage to $7.25. (Feb 2007)
- Voted NO on raising the minimum wage to $7.25 rather than $6.25. (Mar 2005)
- Voted YES on $167B over 10 years for farm price supports. (Oct 2001)
- Voted YES on zero-funding OSHA's Ergonomics Rules instead of $4.5B. (Mar 2001)
- Member of the Congressional Rural Caucus. (Jan 2001)
John Thune on Principles & Values
Click here for 6 full quotes on Principles & Values
OR background on Principles & Values.
- Voted with Republican Party 91.0% of 324 votes. (Sep 2007)
- Voted NO on confirming of Sonia Sotomayor to Supreme Court. (Aug 2009)
- Voted YES on confirming Samuel Alito as Supreme Court Justice. (Jan 2006)
- Voted YES on confirming John Roberts for Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. (Sep 2005)
- Religious affiliation: Protestant. (Nov 2000)
- Rated B by the Club for Growth, pro-growth but not targeted. (Sep 2004)
John Thune on Social Security
Click here for 5 full quotes on Social Security
OR background on Social Security.
- Voted YES on establishing reserve funds & pre-funding for Social Security. (Mar 2007)
- Voted YES on raising 401(k) limits & making pension plans more portable. (May 2001)
- Voted YES on reducing tax payments on Social Security benefits. (Jul 2000)
- Voted NO on strengthening the Social Security Lockbox. (May 1999)
- Rated 12% by ARA, indicating a mixed record on senior issues. (Jan 2013)
John Thune on Tax Reform
Click here for 22 full quotes on Tax Reform
OR background on Tax Reform.
- Voted NO on increasing tax rate for people earning over $1 million. (Mar 2008)
- Voted YES on allowing AMT reduction without budget offset. (Mar 2008)
- Voted YES on raising the Death Tax exemption to $5M from $1M. (Feb 2008)
- Voted YES on repealing the Alternative Minimum Tax. (Mar 2007)
- Voted YES on raising estate tax exemption to $5 million. (Mar 2007)
- Voted YES on supporting permanence of estate tax cuts. (Aug 2006)
- Voted YES on permanently repealing the `death tax`. (Jun 2006)
- Voted NO on $47B for military by repealing capital gains tax cut. (Feb 2006)
- Voted YES on retaining reduced taxes on capital gains & dividends. (Feb 2006)
- Voted YES on extending the tax cuts on capital gains and dividends. (Nov 2005)
- Voted NO on $99 B economic stimulus: capital gains & income tax cuts. (Oct 2001)
- Voted YES on Tax cut package of $958 B over 10 years. (May 2001)
- Voted YES on eliminating the Estate Tax ("death tax"). (Apr 2001)
- Voted YES on eliminating the "marriage penalty". (Jul 2000)
- Voted YES on $46 billion in tax cuts for small business. (Mar 2000)
- Phaseout the death tax. (Mar 2001)
- Rated 0% by the CTJ, indicating opposition to progressive taxation. (Dec 2006)
- Taxpayer Protection Pledge: no new taxes. (Aug 2010)
- Supports the Taxpayer Protection Pledge. (Jan 2012)
- Opposes increasing income tax rates. (Nov 2016)
- Supports eliminating the death tax. (Nov 2016)
- Keep reduction of capital gains tax. (Mar 2009)
John Thune on Technology
Click here for 5 full quotes on Technology
OR background on Technology.
- Voted YES on authorizing states to collect Internet sales taxes. (May 2013)
- Voted YES on $23B instead of $4.9B for waterway infrastructure. (Nov 2007)
- Voted NO on restoring $550M in funding for Amtrak for 2007. (Mar 2006)
- Require telecomms to transfer VOIP calls from other carriers. (Apr 2008)
- Prohibit the return of the Fairness Doctrine. (Jan 2009)
John Thune on War & Peace
Click here for 17 full quotes on War & Peace
OR background on War & Peace.
- Finishing the job means setting up a democracy in Iraq. (Sep 2004)
- Support sending more American troops to Iraq if necessary. (Sep 2004)
- Iraq is a part of the broader war on terror. (Sep 2004)
- We have to stay resolute or the terrorists will prevail. (Sep 2004)
- Voted NO on redeploying non-essential US troops out of Iraq in 9 months. (Dec 2007)
- Voted YES on designating Iran's Revolutionary Guards as terrorists. (Sep 2007)
- Voted NO on redeploying US troops out of Iraq by March 2008. (Mar 2007)
- Voted NO on redeploying troops out of Iraq by July 2007. (Jun 2006)
- Voted NO on investigating contract awards in Iraq & Afghanistan. (Nov 2005)
- Voted YES on requiring on-budget funding for Iraq, not emergency funding. (Apr 2005)
- Voted YES on disallowing the invasion of Kosovo. (May 1999)
- Iranian nuclear weapons: prevention instead of containment. (May 2012)
- Iran must accept long-term intrusive nuke inspection. (Mar 2014)
- No nuclear deal with Iran without Congressional input. (Mar 2015)
- President ok to use military force against Iran. (Feb 2020)
- Support the completion of the US mission in Iraq. (Feb 2007)
- Sanctions on Iran to end nuclear program. (Apr 2009)
John Thune on Welfare & Poverty
Click here for 3 full quotes on Welfare & Poverty
OR background on Welfare & Poverty.
- Voted NO on instituting National Service as a new social invention. (Mar 2009)
- Voted YES on treating religious organizations equally for tax breaks. (Jul 2001)
- Voted YES on responsible fatherhood via faith-based organizations. (Nov 1999)
VoteMatch Responses
(Click here for VoteMatch quiz) |
VoteMatch Question & Answer (Click on question for explanation and background) |
Based on these stances: (Click on topic for excerpt & citation) |
Strongly Opposes
topic 1:Abortion is a woman's unrestricted right
(-5 points on Social scale)
| Rated 100% by the NRLC, indicating a pro-life stance: Strongly Opposes topic 1 Apply 14th amendment protections to pre-born fetuses: Strongly Opposes topic 1 Prohibit transporting minors across state lines for abortion: Opposes topic 1 Prohibit federal funding for abortion: Strongly Opposes topic 1 No family planning assistance that includes abortion: Strongly Opposes topic 1 Opposes public funding for abortion services: Strongly Opposes topic 1 Supports parental notification for abortions by minors: Strongly Opposes topic 1 Supports judges who strictly interpret Constitution: Strongly Favors topic 1 Include pre-born human beings in 14th Amendment protection: Strongly Opposes topic 1 Protect infant survivors of abortion: Opposes topic 1 Declare preborn as persons under 14th amendment: Strongly Opposes topic 1 YES on barring transporting minors to get an abortion: Strongly Opposes topic 1 YES on banning partial-birth abortions: Opposes topic 1 YES on banning Family Planning funding in US aid abroad: Opposes topic 1 YES on Unknown roll call for 2001-89: Opposes topic 1 YES on prohibiting minors crossing state lines for abortion: Strongly Opposes topic 1 YES on defining unborn child as eligible for SCHIP: Opposes topic 1 NO on $100M to reduce teen pregnancy by education & contraceptives: Opposes topic 1 YES on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions: Opposes topic 1 NO on expanding research to more embryonic stem cell lines: Opposes topic 1 YES on barring HHS grants to organizations that perform abortions: Opposes topic 1 YES on restricting UN funding for population control policies: Opposes topic 1 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 2:Legally require hiring women & minorities
(+5 points on Economic scale)
| Rated 21% by the NAACP, indicating an anti-affirmative-action stance: Strongly Opposes topic 2 YES on ending preferential treatment by race in college admissions: Opposes topic 2 NO on reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act: Opposes topic 2 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 3:Comfortable with same-sex marriage
(-5 points on Social scale)
| Rated 0% by the HRC, indicating an anti-gay-rights stance: Strongly Opposes topic 3 Amend Constitution to define traditional marriage: Strongly Opposes topic 3 Respect faith-based opposition to same-sex marriage: Strongly Opposes topic 3 YES on banning gay adoptions in DC: Opposes topic 3 YES on constitutional ban of same-sex marriage: Strongly Opposes topic 3 |
Strongly Favors
topic 4:Keep God in the public sphere
(-5 points on Social scale)
| Supports anti-flag desecration amendment: Favors topic 4 $110M per year to teach abstinence in public schools: Favors topic 4 Constitutionally prohibit flag desecration: Favors topic 4 Supports a Constitutional Amendment for school prayer: Strongly Favors topic 4 YES on responsible fatherhood via faith-based organizations: Favors topic 4 YES on treating religious organizations equally for tax breaks: Strongly Favors topic 4 YES on recommending Constitutional ban on flag desecration: Favors topic 4 |
topic 5:Expand ObamaCare
(+2 points on Economic scale)
| Limit anti-trust lawsuits on health plans and insurers: Opposes topic 5 Supports repealing mandated health insurance: Strongly Opposes topic 5 YES on establishing tax-exempt Medical Savings Accounts: Opposes topic 5 YES on subsidizing private insurance for Medicare Rx drug coverage: Opposes topic 5 NO on allowing tribal Indians to opt out of federal healthcare: Strongly Favors topic 5 YES on means-testing to determine Medicare Part D premium: Opposes topic 5 YES on the Ryan Budget: Medicare choice, tax & spending cuts: Opposes topic 5 NO on increasing Medicaid rebate for producing generics: Opposes topic 5 NO on negotiating bulk purchases for Medicare prescription drug: Strongly Opposes topic 5 NO on expanding enrollment period for Medicare Part D: Opposes topic 5 YES on limiting medical liability lawsuits to $250,000: Favors topic 5 NO on requiring negotiated Rx prices for Medicare part D: Opposes topic 5 NO on adding 2 to 4 million children to SCHIP eligibility: Opposes topic 5 NO on overriding veto on expansion of Medicare: Opposes topic 5 NO on expanding the Children's Health Insurance Program: Opposes topic 5 YES on regulating tobacco as a drug: Favors topic 5 |
topic 6:Privatize Social Security
(+2 points on Economic scale)
| Rated 12% by ARA, indicating a mixed record on senior issues: Neutral on topic 6 NO on strengthening the Social Security Lockbox: Favors topic 6 YES on reducing tax payments on Social Security benefits: Favors topic 6 YES on raising 401(k) limits & making pension plans more portable: Favors topic 6 YES on establishing reserve funds & pre-funding for Social Security: Favors topic 6 |
topic 7:Vouchers for school choice
(+2 points on Economic scale)
| Teachers & parents know best how to spend education funds: Favors topic 7 NO on vouchers for private & parochial schools: Strongly Opposes topic 7 YES on allowing vouchers in DC schools: Favors topic 7 NO on $5B for grants to local educational agencies: Favors topic 7 |
topic 8:Fight EPA regulatory over-reach
(-3 points on Social scale)
| Make tax deduction permanent for conservation easements: Opposes topic 8 No EPA permits required for forest road runoff: Strongly Favors topic 8 NO on protecting ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes ecosystems: Favors topic 8 YES on prohibiting eminent domain for use as parks or grazing land: Favors topic 8 |
topic 9:Stricter punishment reduces crime
(-3 points on Social scale)
| Rated 20% by CURE, indicating anti-rehabilitation crime votes: Strongly Favors topic 9 Facilitate recovering crime victim restitution fees: Strongly Favors topic 9 Rated 64% by the NAPO, indicating a moderate stance on police issues: Neutral on topic 9 YES on more prosecution and sentencing for juvenile crime: Favors topic 9 NO on funding for alternative sentencing instead of more prisons.: Strongly Favors topic 9 YES on reinstating $1.15 billion funding for the COPS Program: Opposes topic 9 |
Strongly Favors
topic 10:Absolute right to gun ownership
(+5 points on Economic scale)
| Rated A by the NRA, indicating a pro-gun rights voting record: Strongly Favors topic 10 Sponsored bill for national standard for concealed carry: Strongly Favors topic 10 Rated A+ by the NRA, indicating a pro-gun rights voting record: Strongly Favors topic 10 Allow veterans to register unlicensed guns acquired abroad: Favors topic 10 Opposes restrictions on right to bear arms: Strongly Favors topic 10 Reciprocity across state lines for concealed carry: Strongly Favors topic 10 Ban gun registration & trigger lock law in Washington DC: Strongly Favors topic 10 Allow firearms in National Parks: Strongly Favors topic 10 Sponsored bill to apply concealed carry permit to all states: Strongly Favors topic 10 Dangerousness, not mental incompetence, limits gun rights: Strongly Favors topic 10 NO on decreasing gun waiting period from 3 days to 1: Strongly Opposes topic 10 NO on banning high-capacity magazines of over 10 bullets: Strongly Favors topic 10 YES on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers: Strongly Favors topic 10 YES on prohibiting foreign & UN aid that restricts US gun ownership: Favors topic 10 YES on allowing firearms in checked baggage on Amtrak trains: Favors topic 10 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 11:Higher taxes on the wealthy
(+5 points on Economic scale)
| Phaseout the death tax: Strongly Opposes topic 11 Rated 0% by the CTJ, indicating opposition to progressive taxation: Strongly Opposes topic 11 Taxpayer Protection Pledge: no new taxes: Strongly Opposes topic 11 Supports the Taxpayer Protection Pledge: Strongly Opposes topic 11 Opposes increasing income tax rates: Opposes topic 11 Supports eliminating the death tax: Strongly Opposes topic 11 Keep reduction of capital gains tax: Strongly Opposes topic 11 YES on eliminating the "marriage penalty": Opposes topic 11 YES on $46 billion in tax cuts for small business: Opposes topic 11 YES on Tax cut package of $958 B over 10 years: Opposes topic 11 YES on reducing Marriage Tax by $399B over 10 years: Opposes topic 11 YES on eliminating the Estate Tax ("death tax"): Opposes topic 11 YES on raising the Death Tax exemption to $5M from $1M: Strongly Opposes topic 11 YES on allowing AMT reduction without budget offset: Opposes topic 11 YES on extending the tax cuts on capital gains and dividends: Strongly Opposes topic 11 NO on $47B for military by repealing capital gains tax cut: Opposes topic 11 YES on retaining reduced taxes on capital gains & dividends: Strongly Opposes topic 11 YES on permanently repealing the `death tax`: Strongly Opposes topic 11 YES on supporting permanence of estate tax cuts: Strongly Opposes topic 11 YES on raising estate tax exemption to $5 million: Strongly Opposes topic 11 YES on repealing the Alternative Minimum Tax: Strongly Opposes topic 11 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 12:Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens
(-5 points on Social scale)
| Rated 100% by USBC, indicating a sealed-border stance: Strongly Opposes topic 12 Government services in English only: Strongly Opposes topic 12 Rated A by the ALI, indicating a strongly anti-amnesty stance: Strongly Opposes topic 12 Supports additional border infrastructure: Strongly Favors topic 12 Rated Support national emergency at the Southern border: Strongly Opposes topic 12 YES on more immigrant visas for skilled workers: Favors topic 12 NO on continuing federal funds for declared "sanctuary cities": Strongly Opposes topic 12 NO on allowing illegal aliens to participate in Social Security: Strongly Opposes topic 12 NO on giving Guest Workers a path to citizenship: Strongly Opposes topic 12 NO on establishing a Guest Worker program: Opposes topic 12 YES on building a fence along the Mexican border: Strongly Opposes topic 12 NO on eliminating the "Y" nonimmigrant guestworker program: Neutral topic 12 YES on declaring English as the official language of the US government: Strongly Opposes topic 12 NO on comprehensive immigration reform: Strongly Opposes topic 12 |
topic 13:Support & expand free trade
(+2 points on Economic scale)
| End economic protectionism: let dairy compacts expire : Strongly Favors topic 13 Insist on access to post-mad-cow Japanese beef markets: Favors topic 13 Voted YES to kill reauthorization of Ex-Im Bank: Opposes topic 13 Rated 63% by the USAE, indicating a mixed record on trade: Neutral on topic 13 YES on 'Fast Track' authority for trade agreements: Strongly Favors topic 13 YES on Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China: Strongly Favors topic 13 NO on withdrawing from the WTO: Strongly Favors topic 13 NO on implementing CAFTA for Central America free-trade: Strongly Opposes topic 13 YES on free trade agreement with Oman: Strongly Favors topic 13 YES on promoting free trade with Peru: Favors topic 13 |
Strongly Favors
topic 14:Support American Exceptionalism
(+5 points on Economic scale)
| Sponsored opposing the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty: Strongly Favors topic 14 Oppose the United Nations' Arms Trade Treaty: Favors topic 14 Disallow Palestine from joining ICC to threaten Israel: Favors topic 14 Supports standing with the nation of israel: Favors topic 14 Two-state solution despite Israeli settlements on West Bank: Favors topic 14 NO on requiring FISA court warrant to monitor US-to-foreign calls: Favors topic 14 NO on preserving habeas corpus for Guantanamo detainees: Strongly Favors topic 14 NO on requiring CIA reports on detainees & interrogation methods: Strongly Favors topic 14 YES on removing need for FISA warrant for wiretapping abroad: Strongly Favors topic 14 |
topic 15:Expand the military
(-3 points on Social scale)
| Extend reserve retirement pay parity back to 9/11: Favors topic 15 YES on $266 billion Defense Appropriations bill: Favors topic 15 YES on deploying SDI: Favors topic 15 YES on requiring on-budget funding for Iraq, not emergency funding: Opposes topic 15 NO on limiting soldiers' deployment to 12 months: Favors topic 15 |
topic 16:Make voter registration easier
(+2 points on Social scale)
| Require Internet disclosure of all earmarks: Favors topic 16 Military spouses don't lose voting residency while abroad: Favors topic 16 YES on banning soft money and issue ads: Favors topic 16 YES on banning soft money donations to national political parties: Favors topic 16 NO on establishing the Senate Office of Public Integrity: Opposes topic 16 YES on allowing some lobbyist gifts to Congress: Strongly Opposes topic 16 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 17:Avoid foreign entanglements
(-5 points on Social scale)
| Iranian nuclear weapons: prevention instead of containment: Strongly Opposes topic 17 Iran must accept long-term intrusive nuke inspection: Opposes topic 17 No nuclear deal with Iran without Congressional input: Opposes topic 17 Rated President ok to use military force against Iran: Opposes topic 17 Support the completion of the US mission in Iraq: Strongly Opposes topic 17 Sanctions on Iran to end nuclear program: Opposes topic 17 NO on redeploying troops out of Iraq by July 2007: Strongly Opposes topic 17 NO on redeploying US troops out of Iraq by March 2008: Strongly Opposes topic 17 NO on redeploying non-essential US troops out of Iraq in 9 months: Opposes topic 17 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 18:Prioritize green energy
(+5 points on Economic scale)
| Reduce liability for hazardous waste cleanup: Opposes topic 18 Rated 33% by CAF, indicating a mixed record on energy independence: Neutral on topic 18 Open the Outer Continental Shelf for oil & gas leasing: Strongly Opposes topic 18 Signed the No Climate Tax Pledge by AFP: Strongly Opposes topic 18 Set goal of 25% renewable energy by 2025: Strongly Favors topic 18 NO on starting implementation of Kyoto Protocol: Strongly Opposes topic 18 NO on raising CAFE standards; incentives for alternative fuels: Strongly Opposes topic 18 NO on prohibiting oil drilling & development in ANWR: Strongly Opposes topic 18 YES on barring EPA from regulating greenhouse gases: Opposes topic 18 NO on reducing oil usage by 40% by 2025 (instead of 5%): Strongly Opposes topic 18 NO on disallowing an oil leasing program in Alaska's ANWR: Strongly Opposes topic 18 NO on banning drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: Opposes topic 18 NO on factoring global warming into federal project planning: Opposes topic 18 YES on removing oil & gas exploration subsidies: Strongly Favors topic 18 NO on addressing CO2 emissions without considering India & China: Opposes topic 18 NO on tax incentives for energy production and conservation: Strongly Opposes topic 18 YES on requiring full Senate debate and vote on cap-and-trade: Opposes topic 18 YES on protecting middle-income taxpayers from a national energy tax: Opposes topic 18 NO on $2 billion more for Cash for Clunkers program: Opposes topic 18 |
Strongly Favors
topic 19:Marijuana is a gateway drug
(-5 points on Social scale)
| Rated F by NORML, indicating a "hard-on-drugs" stance: Strongly Favors topic 19 YES on prohibiting needle exchange & medical marijuana in DC: Strongly Favors topic 19 YES on military border patrols to battle drugs & terrorism: Strongly Favors topic 19 |
Strongly Opposes
topic 20:Stimulus better than market-led recovery
(+5 points on Economic scale)
| Disapprove of increasing the debt limit: Opposes topic 20 Rated 14% by UFCW, indicating a pro-management voting record: Opposes topic 20 Audit the Federal Reserve & its actions on mortgage loans: Opposes topic 20 Supports constitutional amendment for balanced budget: Favors topic 20 NO on increasing tax rate for people earning over $1 million: Strongly Opposes topic 20 NO on additional $825 billion for economic recovery package: Strongly Opposes topic 20 NO on $192B additional anti-recession stimulus spending: Strongly Opposes topic 20 |
John Thune is a Hard-Core Conservative
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