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Media coverage of TN political races in The Tennessean (Click for external website)
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details) |
Abortion Bill Hagerty: Possible exceptions for rape/incest, "challenging" situation. Manny Sethi: Opposed to exceptions for rape and incest. |
Budget & Economy Bill Lee: Made hard decisions needed on company budget; it worked. Bob Corker: Adding $2T to deficit was fiscally irresponsible. |
Corporations James Mackler: Trump's tax cuts make it easier for jobs to move overseas. Karl Dean: Used tax incentives to lure companies to Nashville. |
Crime James Mackler: Prosecutor JAG in military, and in criminal law afterwards. |
Drugs Bill Lee: Raise penalties on drug traffickers, aid non-violent addicts. |
Education Manny Sethi: Not government's role to wipe away college debt. Karl Dean: Small city property tax increase to directed to education. Bill Lee: Charter schools change lives of at-risk youth. Karl Dean: Supports publicly financed, privately led charter schools. Karl Dean: Expand school choice teacher accountability. Karl Dean: Charters ok if non-profit, but vouchers not ok. |
Families & Children Mark E. Green: Let mental health providers refuse to treat LGBT patients. |
Free Trade James Mackler: Trade war with China is a disaster. |
Government Reform James Mackler: Doesn't accept corporate PAC contributions. |
Health Care James Mackler: Keep rural hospitals, to serve thousands of Tennesseans. Mark E. Green: Vaccines may be causing autism; CDC mismanaged data. |
Homeland Security James Mackler: Allow transgender people to serve in the military. Scott DesJarlais: Prohibit transgender people from serving in the military. |
Immigration Gloria La Riva: Protect full rights of undocumented immigrants. |
Principles & Values James Mackler: Change broken system with Jewish tradition "Tikkun Olam". Bill Lee: We accomplished my vision at granddad's company. Bill Lee: Former chairman of the Tennessee Prayer Breakfast. Karl Dean: Pro-business centrist: good things happen in the middle. |
Social Security Brian Moore: Eliminate the for-profit sector & redistribute monies. |
Tax Reform Karl Dean: Raised city property taxes, but after Great Recession. |
Technology Bill Lee: Infrastructure needs repairs, stop kicking can down the road. |
All material copyright 1999-2022 by Jesse Gordon and OnTheIssues.org Reprinting by permission only. |
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Page last edited: Jul 27, 2020