Articles in The Week:
- On 2022_AZ_Senate: "Peter Thiel's implausible populists," by Samuel Goldman, July 15, 2021
- The Week newsmagazine, "The World at a Glance: Rome: No gay marriage", 3/26/2021
- (On 2022 Arkansas Governor race): "Sarah Huckabee Sanders' shameless campaign for governor," by Jeva Lange, January 26, 2021
- (On 2022 Maryland Governor race): "Centrists have a solution for Trumpism: Trump Lite," by Ryan Cooper, December 16, 2020
- (On 2024 MO Senate race): "The worst argument against breaking up Facebook," by Matthew Walther, December 14, 2020
- (On 2021 Biden Administration): "Marco Rubio blasts Biden White House picks for Ivy League degrees--despite Trump administration's similar credentials," November 24, 2020
- 2018 R.I. Governor's race: "America's rethinking of history is getting ahistorical," by Bonnie Kristian, June 25, 2020
- (On 2020 presidential hopefuls): "The Green Party thinks Democrats are a bunch of fake socialists," February 25, 2019
- (On Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez): The Week coverage of 2018 Congress NY-14 election, 6/27/2018
- On 2024 presidential hopefuls, "What Jeff Flake must do next," by Scott Lemieux, Oct. 25, 2017
- (On Mitt Romney): Jon Terbush in The Week magazine, "Romney 2016", 2/3/2014
- (On Brian Schweitzer): Michael Warren in The Weekly Standard magazine, 12/23/2013
- (On Ben Sasse): The Weekly Standard on 2014 Nebraska Senate race, 6/17/2013
- (On Rick Santorum): Santorum's "9 most controversial statements" in The Week, 1/5/2012
- (On Mitt Romney & Newt Gingrich): The Week, "A Mandate for Controversy", p. 13, 12/23/2011
- (On Buddy Roemer): Response to 2011 Jobs Speech in The Weekly Standard, 9/8/2011
- (On Michele Bachmann): Matthew Continetti in The Weekly Standard, "Stay the Course", 6/22/2011
- (On Jeb Bush): John McCormack, The Weekly Standard, "Jeb Rips Crist", 10/5/2010
- (On John Cox): Matt Labash, The Weekly Standard, "Sane Fringe Candidate", 5/21/2007
- (On Matt Blunt): Fred Barnes in The Weekly Standard, 5/22/2006